Withania Somnifera Ayurveda Herbal Plants Aswagandha Root Powder Sale

रू 499
siddhapokhari-1 , Bhaktapur
24 May 2022

General Overview

Condition New
Negotiable No
Location siddhapokhari-1 , Bhaktapur
Delivery Available


यो अस्वगन्धा पाउडर तुरुन्त चाहिन्छ भने यो लिङ्क https://bit.ly/3wojHrM कपी गरेर तपाईंको ब्राउजर मा पेस्ट गरी इन्टर गर्नुहोला । नेपाल भरी डेलिभरी हुन्छ। सामान लिए पछी पैसा तिर्दा पनि हुन्छ। नेपालकै एक मात्र भर पर्दो अनलाईन सप दराज बाट ओरिजनल सामन पाउनुहुनेछ.
Ashwagandha improve vigor
Use For old age tiredness
Ashwagandha churna used For allergic rhinitis
Use For leucorrhoea
Ashwagandha powder improve sperm count
withania somnifera Use in depression
Use for numbness
Ashwagandha for sleep
For weight loss
For weight gain
For heart care
Muscle pain, strength, wound healing
In sexual disorders
Traditional benefits
Major Chemical constituents
Use in auto-immune disorders
For hypothyroidism
For hyperthyroidism
For boosting immunity
As immuno-modulator
For anxiety
For high C reactive protein
For muscle power output
improves strength and immunity
improves sexual performance, useful in premature ejaculation and in some cases of erectile dysfunction.
acts as aphrodisiac
improves life expectancy, anti aging, elixir.
improves body nourishment

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